play is "an occasion of pure waste: waste of time, energy, ingenuity, skill, and often of money."
This book easily belongs in a list of the great classics of game studies alongside Homo Ludens, but it is referenced far less often.
For thousands of years, people have been planning attacks, captures, chases, and conquests--in short, they've been playing board games. Now, in The Oxford History of Board Games, David Parlett investigates the myriad board games that have developed through the ages and around the world.
A Study of the Play-Element in Culture
Hunching up his shoulders and stretching his fingers wide apart, Korostelev played some chords and began singing in a tenor voice, "Show me the abode where the Russian peasant would not groan," while Dymov sighed once more, propped his head on his fist, and sank into thought.
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