戴勇誠: 我要從哪裡講起?
Um, where shall I start?
戴勇誠: 就先說說基本的好了。
Let's start from the basics.
戴勇誠: 我今年49歲,沒有妻小,目前和父親他老人家一起住在灣北郊區。
I'm 49 years old. No wife, no kids, just my pa and myself, living outside Wanpei.
戴勇誠: 其實我是改制前的嘉玉縣人,幾年前才搬來這裡的。
Used to live in Chiayu County before the reform. Moved over here a couple of years ago.
戴勇誠: 我老家有塊田,我職校輟學後就在家裡的田幫忙。
We had a little farm back there. I stayed home to work for my pa after high school.
戴勇誠: 跟著爸爸做了幾年我才把地接過來管。
A few years down the road, I took it over from pa. Good old me, a business owner!
戴勇誠: 剛開始經營得還不錯,雖然作物價格不好,但也還過得去。
Off the bat, things were not bad. We made okay-ish money from grains.
戴勇誠: 後來我找了一小塊地種起比較有韌性的作物。
Then I tried to grow this tough grass on the farm. Can't eat it, but good for braiding.
戴勇誠: 把這些作物做成手工藝品後,在家裡樓下開了間小鋪。
So we made it into baskets, mats, and stuff, and sold them in the farm store.
戴勇誠: 結果我爸爸很喜歡,我們也就繼續做下去。
Pa liked the idea. We made it an ongoing business.
戴勇誠: 但你也知道這幾年那些「農業工廠」蓋得特別兇……
But you know how it went back then. Agricultural factories were popping up everywhere...
戴勇誠: 哎!我是不是一次講太多了?
Ah, sorry I've been going on and on. My bad.
戴勇誠: 應該讓你問些問題才對吧,你問吧?
You have questions, don't you? Ask away.
-> 農業工廠指的是?
Agricultural factories? What are those?
戴勇誠: 喔,你們都市人可能不熟啦。
Right. You folks in the city prolly don't care much about that.
戴勇誠: 就是那種全自動種植作物的工廠。
It's those factories growing crops and veggies inside. Don't need no farmer.
戴勇誠: 跟你說喔,真的是一棟一棟蓋不完。
Man, they were really building them those days, hundreds of them.
戴勇誠: 蓋就算了,整天排汙水排廢氣的。
Nasty business, all that waste water and stinky gas.
戴勇誠: 總之農業工廠的汙染越來越離譜。
Anyway, the pollution got from bad to worse.
戴勇誠: 別說要種東西,我們連要住都住不太下去了。
Couldn't grow a thing on our farm. Couldn't even live there.
戴勇誠: 最後我們這些小農的地不是被強迫收購,就是經營不下去。
Small farms like us died out pretty soon. Either sell the land to factories or just kick the bucket.
戴勇誠: 唉,日子還是得過。
You know what they say, life goes on.
//英语里几乎从不用“唉”这个叹词。非要查字典应该只能搜出来“alas”之类始祖鸟级别的老棺材瓤子词。为了这个【无奈】的语气,加上“you know what they say”。
戴勇誠: 地被低價賣掉後我們到灣北來找機會。
We sold the land on the cheap, and moved to Wanpei, looking to start over.
戴勇誠: 儘管我爸爸很支持我……
Pa was supportive and all...
戴勇誠: 但在這種景氣下結果當然是一場空。
But you know what it's like these days. Can't find no job.
戴勇誠: 現在我只能偶爾進城裡打些零工。
I ended up doing gig jobs here and there.
戴勇誠: 還真不是我在說,你們灣北人也真夠沒有人情味。
Wanpei, huh. You city folks are a heartless bunch.
戴勇誠: 小弟你是還好啦,但我在這碰到的盡是些沒水準的壞胚子。
Not you, lad. I mean them. Haven't seen a single kind soul.
戴勇誠: 唉,我好像有點說過頭了。
*Sigh* OK. That went far enough...
戴勇誠: 我這樣講你們灣北人,你會不會不高興?
You won't take offense when I talk about Wanpei like that, will you?
-> 不會,沒事的。
Don't mind at all.
戴勇誠: 這樣啊,那就好。
Good to know.
戴勇誠: 所以我才說小弟你人真的算不錯啦。
You're a good egg, lad. Surely are.
//角色设定。老派人,用“good egg”。
戴勇誠: 其實後來想想可能也是我自己的問題。
Come to think about it, maybe it's all my own fault.
戴勇誠: 老覺得人家欺負自己,殊不知是自己無能。
Good for nothing, yet always blaming others.
戴勇誠: ……我剛剛也說了不少往事。
...You heard plenty about it already.
戴勇誠: 回頭看看我這人,還真是幹什麼都幹不好。
I'm good for nothing, really.
戴勇誠: 先是讀書讀不好,老家的地又給人搶了。
Can't get into college. Can't keep the farm.
戴勇誠: 來這裡什麼事業都做不起來。
And now, can't find a job.
戴勇誠: 我父親來灣北不久後病倒了,我卻賺不了什麼錢照顧他。
Pa got sick after we moved to Wanpei. It's my turn to support him but I just can't.
戴勇誠: ……就算是這樣。
Even so...
戴勇誠: 我還是相信我父親從小教育我的……
I still believe in what pa told me...
戴勇誠: 「努力就能收穫」。
“Work hard and get paid”, he used to say all the time.
戴勇誠: 所以雖然我覺得自己目前什麼都沒做到。
I know I haven't got no real job right now.
戴勇誠: 但我的努力還是有價值的,熬下去總有天能收穫。
Still, I'm trying hard. Sooner or later, it will pay off.
戴勇誠: ……拍謝,我也知道我很愛提到我父親。
Sorry, I'm giving you an earful about my pa.
戴勇誠: 他一直是個很好的單親爸爸。
He's a good man, my pa, a great man.
戴勇誠: 我從小就很依賴他,就算現在錢這麼難賺,他也沒讓我餓過。
He's the backbone of the family, always. Kept me well fed even in the hardest times.
戴勇誠: 所以我才會老是把他掛嘴邊……
Can't do without him now that we're talking about my life...
戴勇誠: ……我好像說太多不重要的事情了?
...I've said too much more than you'd like to know, eh?
-> 不會,你辛苦了。
No such thing. Thank you for sharing.
//“你辛苦了”在中文里是一句【无实意】的客套话,除了日语之外貌似都没有对应物。直接翻译过去很奇怪,说说话么有啥好苦的。需要改写成【具备合理社交功能的】台词。原文意思上最接近“I’m sorry to hear that”,但是真正要sorry的还没来呢。改成感谢分享。
戴勇誠: 你們城裡的人好像管我們郊區這裏叫「菌窟」。
I think you city folks call it the Shithole.
戴勇誠: 基本上還真就是那個樣子。
Can't blame you. It is what it is.
戴勇誠: 整個太合區就是一個不停孳生病菌的噁心貧民窟。
The whole Taihe District is one giant shithole full of germs and maggots.
戴勇誠: 總之,我負責替幫派賣毒和走私你們工廠流出來的化學廢料。
There I made money as a drug dealer. Also smuggled chemicals from factories.
戴勇誠: 大概做了一年多吧。
That lasted for about a year.
戴勇誠: 到最後我都一直隱瞞著父親。
Never mentioned a word to pa.
想法: 他說到哽咽了……
He's on the verge of tears...
戴勇誠: 好了,大概就是這樣。
OK. That's it.
戴勇誠: 抱歉一開始沒有好好坦承。
Sorry for trying to keep that part hidden.
戴勇誠: ……哈哈。
戴勇誠: 把話說出來之後才發現自己是個滿糟糕的人……
Looking back, I'm a terrible, terrible person...
-> 我不這麼認為。
I wouldn't say so.
戴勇誠: 那你認為我是怎樣的人?
What kind of person would you say I am, then?
-> 已經盡力的人。
A man who has tried.
戴勇誠: 謝謝你。
Thank you.
戴勇誠: 謝謝你的體諒。
Thank you for the kind words.
戴勇誠: 我很久沒有被人這樣對待過了。
I haven't seen any kindness for a very long time.
戴勇誠: 現在的我每天就是一直……
Nowadays I just...
戴勇誠: 活下去。
...just keep going.
戴勇誠: 我還是很清楚自己是什麼樣子。
I know what a loser I am.
戴勇誠: 我老是在心裡抱怨環境、抱怨其他人……
Always complaining, about the world, about other people...
戴勇誠: 我自己也成了這環境中的一部分……
Turns out I'm one of them, too.
戴勇誠: 也成為了這種人……
Not any better...
戴勇誠: 你知道嗎?
You know what?
戴勇誠: 其實就在今天,我的父親過世了。
Pa died. Today.
戴勇誠: 他的病情一直沒有好轉,我卻籌不出藥錢。
He got sicker and sicker, but I didn't have the money for medicine.
戴勇誠: 這個機會就在這時跑出來,我原本以為……
Then you guys called, telling me to come here. I thought...
戴勇誠: 總之,我剛剛才在跟你面談之前接到朋友的電話通知。
Well, got a phone call just before I came in, telling me pa's gone.
戴勇誠: 你還是把這個機會給別人吧。
Give this opportunity to someone else, maybe.
戴勇誠: 來灣北後我就一直以讓父親的病情好轉為重心。
Everything I did since coming to Wanpei was to make pa get better.
戴勇誠: 每天就是不停工作、找機會……
Rushing from gig to gig, always looking for a real job...
戴勇誠: 現在父親過世了,我也不知道自己到底……
Now that he's gone, what's the point?
戴勇誠: 就算你把機會給我,我也不知道拿這筆錢做什麼。
Even if you sign me on, I have no use for the money anymore.
戴勇誠: 也許買張自費的票,回鄉看看吧。
Prolly buy myself a ticket to the hometown?
戴勇誠: 我記得還有些親戚待在那兒的工廠工作。
There should be some relatives, working in factories.
戴勇誠: 總之還是謝謝你了小弟。
Thank you, lad, really.
戴勇誠: 說說話似乎多少有讓我心情好一些。
Being here, saying it out loud, makes me feel a little better.
徐媛: 當你處在一個巨大的體制裡,你很容易產生安逸感。
Being an insignificant part of a behemoth gives a false sense of security.
徐媛: 儘管這個體制並不公平,或甚至是惡意的、自私的,只服務不包括你的特定少數人。
The behemoth doesn't care about you, doesn't treat you well. It even abuses you sometimes.
徐媛: 但我們依舊樂於接受它。
Still, you happily play your part.
徐媛: 因為體制代表安定、代表千篇一律,代表一切可以預期。
Exploit as it may, it provides predictability, which could be construed as reliability.
//法律词construe + 额外复杂句式。
徐媛: 你覺得服從體制你就不會出事。
Do your job, day in, day out, and nothing out of the ordinary will happen.
徐媛: 但這是錯的。
Sadly, the world doesn't work that way.
徐媛: 任何體制都有漏洞,而任何漏洞都會有人濫用。
The behemoth has weak spots, and people take advantage of them all the time.
徐媛: 這些濫用漏洞的人,總有一天會傷害到你。
In doing so, they may damage your interest without being aware of it.
徐媛: 傷害到遵守體制規則的你。
Suddenly you, the good boy obeying all the rules, take the blunt end of <i>their</i> actions.
徐媛: 你只是在賭機率而已,懂嗎?
Life is like a gamble, don't you get it?
徐媛: 「反正我不會是那個運氣不好的傻子。」
"At least I'm not that sucker with the most to lose." Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
徐媛: 但是抱歉,有時候你就是那個傻子。
But sometimes you <i>are</i> that sucker.
徐媛: 今天,你就是那個傻子。
Like right now.
徐媛: 所以你必須做好準備。
Be prepared, Dai. Be on your toes.
徐媛: 而所謂準備可不是去改善、去推翻這個體制。
I'm not telling you to change the world, to start a revolution.
徐媛: 傻傻地相信改變一定會更好、相信自己你能帶來改變……
One change at a time, making the world a better place, yadda yadda...
//加“yadda yadda”强调不耐烦和不屑,增加感情张力。
徐媛: 那樣的妄想只會讓自己更加暴露在危險中。
This kind of thinking gets you killed.
徐媛: 你該做的是一起濫用漏洞,加入共犯結構。
I'm telling you to stay alert, leap at any opportunity to take advantage of the system. <i>Join</i> them, not fight them.
徐媛: 或更甚,利用更大的漏洞剝削這些潛在競爭者。
Or better still, <i>outplay</i> them and be the master of the behemoth you're in.
徐媛: 這就是我在做的事情,持續保有優勢。
This is what I've been doing, staying ahead of the game.
徐媛: 你想要真正擁有安定、安全的未來,你就得比其他人更清楚局勢,比其他人更有影響力。
You want a future? A cozy bubble of your own? Well, earn it, fight for it, kill for it.
//徐媛不是那种相信绝对安全安定的人,而且这段演说也暗示往上爬无止境。改为“cozy bubble”,相对的小天地。结尾用三个排比着重强调。
徐媛: 最後,站在其他人身上。
You know how to keep yourself afloat when water starts rising?
徐媛: 那裡才是最安全的地方。
Always make sure you stand on top of somebody.
徐媛: 所有人之上。
Stand on top of <i>everybody</i>.
徐媛: 難道不是嗎?
Don't you agree?
-> 你覺得所有人都想害你,但並不是這樣。
You're paranoid. Not everyone is out to get you.
徐媛: 不,你沒有搞懂。
You still don't get it.
徐媛: 所有傷害你的人,都不是在嘗試傷害你。
Everyone is not out to get me, not intentionally.
徐媛: 他們只是在掠奪他們自認應屬於他們的東西。
They are simply maximizing their own benefits, pushing me around while they're at it.
徐媛: 而你只是附帶傷亡。
You, me, we're part of the collateral damage.
徐媛: 一個毫無抵抗能力的,不需要在意的,被踩踏過去的雜草。
Like a tuft of grass. They trod on us without thinking.
徐媛: 無論如何,我說這些只是想幫你看清一些事情。
There, I have given my free advice.
徐媛: 至於怎麼理解這些話,是你自己的事。
What to make of it? It's all up to you.
-> 還真是謝了。
Well, thanks for saying it.
徐媛: 說真的。
Now, seriously.
徐媛: 你覺得我是個壞人嗎,戴士傑?
Do you think I'm a bad person?
-> 這對你來說重要嗎?是不是個壞人?
A bad person? Do you care?
徐媛: 回答我就好。
Just answer me.
徐媛: 當你為了一個目的不斷的努力,到了最後,你什麼都會做。
When you strive so hard toward a goal, paying all the prices and making all the sacrifices...
徐媛: 這某種程度上類似修昔底德陷阱。
Sometimes it forms a self-sustaining cycle.
徐媛: 隨著你對身邊事物的理解、掌握越來越多。
The more you learn...
徐媛: 你只會看見更多的潛在敵人、更多的陰謀和危險……
The more enemies and traps you see.
徐媛: 世界似乎比以往都更顯得惡意。
Suddenly the world is a giant minefield.
徐媛: 這促使你不斷尋求更強的控制力。
You must try even harder to keep what you have.
徐媛: 就你剛才說的那樣。
Just like you said.
徐媛: 你永遠無法安心,永遠覺得有人要害你。
I grow paranoid, believe the whole world is out to get me.
徐媛: 時時刻刻緊繃,找不到一個時間讓自己的內心喘口氣。
I'm so tired, Dai. I sleep with one eye open and my armor on.
徐媛: 所以我很慶幸有現在這種時刻。
That's why I cherish moments like this.
徐媛: 你知道我是怎麼樣的人,同時你在可見的未來都不會是我的敵人。
A moment that I can speak my mind to someone who will never be my enemy, not in the foreseeable future.
//直译的话比照前句相当于陡然更换主题,不妥。额外增补,让这句展开解释moments like this到底是什么样的moments。
-> 不好說,也許我會成為你的敵人。
Don't be so sure. Maybe I <i>will</i> be your enemy.
徐媛: 這我不擔心。
That I'm not worried about.
徐媛: 即使你是敵人,也是很弱的那類。
Even if you turn against me, you won't be a threat.
徐媛: 別急著生氣。
Don't take offense just yet.
徐媛: 說你弱是因為我感覺得出來你是個好人。
You won't be a threat, because you're a good man.
徐媛: 好人做不了什麼的。
A good man won't have the heart to do what it takes to bring me down.
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